The mobility and flourishing of African, Afro-Caribbean, and Afro-Latin American migrants and refugees worldwide are dependent on healthy, robust, and knowledgeable immigrant-focused organizations, faith-based institutions, and cultural advocay groups.

Photo taken by Alexis Tran

Understanding and serving the diverse needs of Black African, Caribbean, and Latin American migrant communities is the first step to building strong, inclusive, and resilient organizations to provide holistic, life-affirming social services.

Africa is Everywhere is a social praxis initiative organized to meet the urgent needs of African service organizations, immigrant rights organizations, public officials, researchers and cultural workers looking to welcome and weave continental and diasporic African migrant communities into their social fabrics.

We offer capacity building workshops, critical policy and data analysis, and strategic cultural programming to best advocate for African asylum seekers in the U.S. and beyond. Join us as we commit to holistic future planning!

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